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Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement or after any declare call in the script in
作者:小萝卜 2019-12-10 【 其它 】 浏览 1944
简介学习php的命名空间,直接把手册的代码粘贴过来,却报错了:Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement or after any declare call in the script in
学习php的命名空间,直接把手册的代码粘贴过来,却报错了:Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement or after any declare call in the script in
namespace my\name; // 参考 "定义命名空间" 小节
class MyClass {}
function myfunction() {}
const MYCONST = 1;
$a = new MyClass;
$c = new \my\name\MyClass; // 参考 "全局空间" 小节
$a = strlen('hi'); // 参考 "使用命名空间:后备全局函数/常量" 小节
$d = namespace\MYCONST; // 参考 "namespace操作符和__NAMESPACE__常量" 小节
$d = __NAMESPACE__ . '\MYCONST';
echo constant($d); // 参考 "命名空间和动态语言特征" 小节
很赞哦! (0)
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